Recipe for Rice Pizza / Gluten Free

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I used rice as my crust for a pizza and topped it with Kimchi, Pepperoni, Spam and Cheese but you could what ever toppings you like. This is an easy way to have a gluten free pizza?.

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  1. powerplantop

    You are correct I did not put? egg in it it is just rice.

  2. rainwhisperss

    so all that makes the crust? is just rice? i see you wrote the egg is what binds it together but i didnt see that in the video how did u use it? thanks

  3. LehmannDaHero

    Sorry but i didn’t notice any eggs in? the recipe?

  4. narclan007


  5. powerplantop

    The eggs? are what helps to bind it.. But as long as it taste good!

  6. survivor2584

    I tried cooking this but my rice didn’t stick? together. With my vegan touch it still ended up being quite good. Just eaten with a fork.

  7. BrKnMuRD3rDoLl

    ty :)?

  8. foodlover7

    this is a nice idea…. gluten? free pizza

  9. powerplantop

    It was some left? over sauce from the Mandu Pizza. It has Gochujjang, ketchup, soy sauce sesame oil, black pepper and sugar.

  10. krnblackbelt

    was that gochujjang? that you used for the sauce?

  11. powerplantop

    jagwio,? thanks for the comment. Actually the buffett place we go for lunch most days has a salad bar and lots of veggies. So I load up on the veggies at lunch. Perhaps I need to do some vids on country veggies, lots of them in season now.

  12. jagwio

    just be sure to eat some veges? some nights. maybe some collards or peas…

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