Margaret Wallis-Duffy interviews Shelley Case, a registered dietician and a leading expert on gluten-free living. Shelley describes the foods that contain gluten, and foods that dont have gluten – and riceworks makes the gluten-free list. Visit for more gluten-free resources.
Tags: Case, Celiac, Discusses, Duffy, Expert, Foods That Contain Gluten, Free Resources, Free Snacks, Gluten Free, Glutenfree, Interviews, Margaret, Registered Dietician, Shelley, Shelley Case, Snacks, Wallis, WallisDuffy
I hate this disease… I never eat? anymore.
Great program.?
Holla! Have you ever tried cleverous 402 diet (search on google)? Ive heard some incredible things about it? and my friend lost lots of weight with it.
Everything here is in a package there should? be some easy homemade ideas but all she says is its in her book.