| This is my review of my very first Gluten Free Beer, the reason I chose RedBridge Gluten Free Beer which is a Sorghum Beer is simple, it was the only one I could find, and according to the reviews online, it was the best. Now, there seems to be another beer on the market that supposed to be pretty good as well, its called Bards Gluten Free Beer, and they claim to be the only Gluten Free Beer that is brewed from 100% sorghum. They also claim to be the first Gluten Free Beer as well. I don’t know, I was only able to find a couple locations in my area that carried Bard’s Tale Beer Company Gluten Free Beer. I haven’t got a chance to go there and try their beer myself, but I will try to do so soon, and see what I can come up with. The beer I tested in this video was excellent, and as a matter of fact I’ve been back to the grocery store over and over buying more, it’s the only beer I will drink now, and I love it. I’m wondering how the Bard’s Gluten Free Beer is going to stack up to it. I know one thing, I know that the Bards Gluten Free Beer. Gluten-free beer is beer made from ingredients that do not contain glycoproteins (gluten). People who have gluten intolerance (including celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis sufferers) have a reaction to certain proteins in the grains commonly used to make beer, barley and wheat. The hordein found in barley and the gliadin found in wheat are types of gluten that can trigger symptoms in sufferers of these …
Tags: Bard S Tale, Bards, Barley, Beer, Beer Company, Beer Ingredients, Beer Market, Celiac Disease, Dermatitis, Free, Gliadin, Gluten, Gluten Free Beer, Gluten Intolerance, Grains, Grocery Store, Hordein, Matter Of Fact, People, Proteins, Reason, Sorghum Beer, Wheat
Thanks.. I’m trying this for the first time tonight. ? I appreciate the review.