www.healthnowmedical.com The association between acid reflux and gluten intolerance is discussed. Also the important of getting tested for an infection in the stomach is reviewed.
Tags: Acid, Acid Reflux, Cause, Gluten, Gluten Intolerance, Intolerance, Reflux, Stomach
Hello RubberWilbur,
You could certainly get tested for celiac or gluten sensitivity and if that’s not possible you could try the 1-2 months gluten-free diet as you proposed. Gluten is a very strong inflammatory agent to the nervous system and I have seen patients with symptoms such as yours respond very positively to a gluten-free diet.
Please let me know how? you do and if I can assist you further.
To your good health,
Dr Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN
I mean gluten? free diet.
Dr. I was ridiculously small as a child and now only 5 foot 5 today as a man. I have very small features. At the age of? 36 I have had few friends negative and unsuccessful relationships when it comes to people. It makes me so sad. 3 years ago I was sure I had Asperger Syndrome and I’ve heard that it helps for those with AS to be on a gluten diet. Is it possible that gluten is THE cause of me being antisocial. I’ll go off of it for 2 months, then crash back on it. My parents have the same symp