Hummingbird Cake – Gluten Free Recipe

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Hummingbird Cake is a southern classic that combines crushed pineapple, bananas and pecans to make a moist delicious spice cake that everyone is sure to love. The cream cheese frosting has been lightened up with low fat cream cheese. Low fat Greek yogurt replaces the sour cream in the cake batter to save even more calories. Now you won’t have to feel nearly as guilty when indulging in a slice of this hummingbird cake. To print this recipe or for more of my gluten free recipes visit the EZGlutenFree blog at Ingredients list • 2 ½ cups gluten free Bisquick (see notes for regular instructions) • 1 ¼ cups of sugar • 1 tsp cinnamon • 1 cup pecans, chopped (plus more to garnish) • ½ cup butter, melted • ½ cup low fat Greek yogurt • 2 eggs, beaten • 2 ripe bananas, mashed • 1 cup crushed pineapple, undrained • 1 tsp vanilla • FOR THE ICING: • 16 oz of reduced fat cream cheese, well softened • ½ cup butter, well softened • 2 cups confectioner’s sugar • 1 tsp vanilla For additional free healthy dessert recipes, cooking tips and tutorials go to To find this recipe at FaveHealthyRecipes go to

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  1. EZGlutenFree

    Wow! That’s the type of comment that can make a person’s day. Thank you for subscribing. I greatly appreciate your support.?

  2. London1869

    I am actually a very critical person, which I try to keep to myself. Nowadays, I find it very soothing when I run across? something done well.

  3. EZGlutenFree

    Thanks for? the kind words.

  4. London1869

    Bravo!? Very well made video, enjoyable and informative. I am looking forward to making this cake for a friend.

  5. EZGlutenFree

    Thanks Lila, It’s really popular in the south but I hadn’t heard of it either until someone requested it. It’s really? good. I’ll definitely make this one again.

  6. AsianCookingmadeEasy

    I’ve never heard of this – I love the name. It looks delicious! And I love your tip about refrigerating after the first layer of icing. Another great recipe! 🙂 ?

  7. EZGlutenFree

    Thank you. You gotta try this one sometime.?

  8. honeysucklecatering

    i’ve always wanted to try a hummingbird cake since hearing about it last year! this looks great – like a carrot cake with a twist. love your substitution of the greek yogurt as well. your? cake looks beautiful!! 🙂

  9. EZGlutenFree

    I never heard of it either. You and I are northern girls and this cake is apparently very famous in the south. ? It’s really good. It tastes almost like a carrot cake even though there are no carrots in there.

  10. NaturesFairy

    I love the? name of this cake!! I have never heard of it before SURE looks yummy!! :)Your such a great baker!!

  11. EZGlutenFree

    It probably will work out fine without the nuts. But you still might want to wait til you get to Mexico. Believe me, you don’t want to have this cake around the house. It’s better to make it for a crowd so you wont be? tempted to overeat the leftovers. If you make it for friends and family you can have a piece and walk away.

  12. slolita1

    Really great looking cake Anne! I insist, I would love to be your neighbor-friend just to eat all the delicious goodness you bake!!!! do you think the cake would be just as good without the pecans? i’m sure the nuts do add a lovely flavor and a nice texture, I would probably eat it all..but again my husband is allergic to nuts, lol. I would love to try it… but i would have to leave out the nuts, but if you? think it wont be the same… then I just might wait till I go to Mexico to make it there

  13. MrMrtiki

    Oh I`m a fiend of Carrot cake – This is very close texture +? I love pecans .

  14. EZGlutenFree

    Thanks Rabbit. I always appreciate? you stopping by my friend.

  15. EZGlutenFree

    You’re right on the money about the addicting thing. I won’t make it again unless I’m bringing it somewhere. Having a whole cake in? the house is just dangerous. haha.

  16. EZGlutenFree

    Thanks Miss Gemini. I had never eaten it before either. It was really awesome. ? If you like carrot cake I think you’d like it.

  17. MissGemy9Beauty

    This cake looks yummy. I’ve never eaten it before.?

  18. elrabbitsbbq

    another awsome dessert Y0!!!? =)

  19. MrMrtiki

    This? is one that can get very addicting ,

  20. EZGlutenFree

    Thank you. I learned the hard way about chilling that first layer. Believe me I’ve had my share of disastrous looking cakes over the? years.

  21. EZGlutenFree

    Why thank you Garnett. I was surprised at just how good this cake turned out to be. This one was actually a? requested recipe and I hadn’t even heard of it before. But I’ll be making it again for sure.

  22. justazcom

    Great tip about cooling the? first layer after frosting. This cake looks so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  23. MrMrtiki

    Looks really good Anne could be a new favorite , You said carrot cake I was huh
    then I? seen the H U M M I N G B I R D CA K E —MMMMM — DOH > No flavor on the screen .

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