The New Horror

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  1. KristianCramer

    This? is avantgarde?..

  2. ununhexium

    man that ending was super? meta

  3. CunnininnuC

    I’d like to think that Zac has thousands of clips of him in different places saying, “Look. I? really was. This isn’t a bit.”

  4. HelloKitty167

    LOL the? incense

  5. StephSides

    So I just watched this for the first time and I can already tell you? within the next month I will watch it at least 6 more times. Probably.

  6. fatmusiclover

    This is? one of your best videos. Great editing, man.

  7. oppystroppy3

    this was good shit? man

  8. OoOstegstegOoO

    “look at my glasses and ask me that? again.”

  9. caitiecashion

    …this was sorta your best video ever.? Jussayin

  10. zanderbeans

    Holy shit. Maybe it’s because I’m really tired, but this video really fucked with my head. That whole… Jumping around with time thing totally ruined me. I have no idea what was going on. Oh, by the way, Zac, I really like the transitions in this one. I think it’s also nice when you show your own environment, rather than the abstract stuff you had here. Perhaps a mix of both next time would? add some more variety?

  11. jeremyshaw

    XD hahahahaha! HA? BISKY!

  12. piccolo3431

    my sister’s mother in law can’t have gluten or it will give? her cancer or something, idk

  13. flyfisher413

    dude I live literally like 3 miles from that stadium ?

  14. VegetativeOne

    Woops, that was a? typo, i meant quality

  15. luckycharms6JS

    oh? pish posh! He made it kinda cool…on occasion

  16. tadshackles

    I wonder what? baby ZaFranks first words would be?

  17. Zachary Little

    I need to read some? detective novels.

  18. Zachary Little

    Is quanlity like a mix of quality? and quantity?

  19. Zachary Little

    If ZeFrank and I had a? kid, my god, it would be ugly as fuck.

  20. Zachary Little

    Woooo!? Suck it, John!

  21. Zachary Little

    Yeah, the player was named Jonathan. Realizing now that? the resolution on my iPod isn’t strong enough to make that out on the screen behind the field. Hahahaha.

  22. Zachary Little

    Oh, haha. Guys,? I love Jory but he did not invent that.

  23. MoMember88

    @AngryFilmsProduction This was such a meta-vlog not? just the way the last section you are editing the earlier parts of the vlog but also that I remember reading your tweets during the baseball game etc my mind is kind of in a weird place now but I like it

  24. MalliganTheUFO

    NAGCHAMPA!!!!!!!! I love incense!?

  25. rbrown2697

    ZAC. You are the coolest person I sorta know? and I’m not even joking. You can be a godparent to the children I don’t have.

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