UFC 123: Dennis Hallman Credits Celiac Discovery for UFC Rebirth

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  1. 529Jiub

    wtf? religious argument? WTF?!

  2. bbv001

    fucking roid taking douche?

  3. penny walton

    your? a fucking fag dennis is a good ass fighter and he would knock you the fuck out!!!

  4. rbirkin

    Looking back, I guess? God wanted him to wear those speedos–ya listening, Dana White.


    Nicest set? of balls in the UFC

  6. chuey1988

    The credit goes to? God!!! Yes!!!

  7. SundiMundi


  8. madatgravity1984

    Just heard Dennis has been given a new contract in the UFC giving him a? further 4 fights. I’m so happy about this because he’s a great fighter but a very underrated fighter. Glad he’s back in form!

  9. soulshaker51

    If you are interested in? finding out the right way to eat for a better life, you should read Robb Wolf’s book, “The Paleo Solution”. It saved my life by curing my diabetes, high blood pressure and a few other things. A lot more people are suffering from celiac and other types of internal inflammation than people realize. Just listen to what the figher said, “A night and day difference!”

  10. JTJV2

    fuck you i train and fight in WA dennis is a good guy who are u to call him a little bitch. he would prob beat you down? bad if u said that to his face

  11. BenYeaYeaHello

    you mean Morgan? Freeman

  12. ImperialDecree

    This guy did beat and submit a young Matt Hughes in the late? 90’s tho..

  13. bbv001

    this guy is? a total fucking douche

  14. chopcutter

    no he isnt lol…? have you not seen the big cross tattooed onto him? haha.. i think hes orthadox.. not that it matters

  15. AlcoholicSemenStain

    karo is? a muslim

  16. Daikkenaurora

    Karo looked? horrible.

  17. AtheistsThinkMore

    Yeah… who is to tell me? that Santa Clause is not real?

  18. niginit

    Does Celiac disturb your? logic and reason, too?

    Me thinks so.

  19. mikenordo

    @kurtsloane I? didn’t think they’d let Ken Shamrock into any UFC events.

  20. TIAGroup

    Credit goes to GOD,? LOL

  21. abercstd499

    great job dennis keep it going? strong

  22. kurtsloane

    @mikenordo, a crazy old man.?

  23. RealTenryuken


  24. blusuck

    he tells the fighters to get ready he was probz just tellin? a fighter to get ready for his bwalkout

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