www.healthnowmedical.com Elective C-sections proven to increase risk of celiac disease in infants. Why? Learn more from a doctor and author.
Tags: C Sections, Celiac, Celiac Disease, Csection, Disease, Emergency, Emergency C Section, Healthier, Planned, Report, Risk, than
@powderwood: There can be a connection between gluten intolerance/sensitivity and PCOS. There have been many studies supporting a correlation between hormonal imbalance and gluten and I certainly have seen it in my clinic.
You are correct, an allergy is different from a sensitivity.
If? you’d like assistance getting to the bottom of your PCOS please give me a call for a free health analysis. We have good success treating the condition and would be happy to help you!
Dr Vikki
Is there a connection between PCOS and gluten sensitivity? I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and it seems there are similarities in symptoms.? I have suspected that I have food sensitivities for a while, now I’m wondering if I should try a gluten-free diet. My mother is allergic to wheat and corn, but I understand that it is different than sensitivies, right?