www.gfreek.com Gluten-Free Food Reimbursement process for those with a medical diagnosis and or prescription for gluten-free food. If you have a flexible spending account and want to get paid back for the cost difference in gluten free foods this video is for you. Do you just want a deduction for tax purposes? Share this in a celiac forum or gluten forum. Celiac Celiac we can do this.
Tags: Celiac, Flexible Spending Account, Food, Free Food, Free Video, Gluten Free Foods, Glutenfree, Medical Diagnosis, Process, Reimbursement, Tax Purposes
So sorry to hear about your issues…maybe there are some options in the? health care arena
Great for people who actually pay taxes, but what is a mother? of two kids, on SSDI and all three of us celiac supposed to do?! You may think, so what I don’t pay taxes, but I get no break on how much our food costs! And I don’t qualify for food stamps and anyway food stamps aren’t accepted at stores where I need to shop for GF food.