Follow J-Wro on these sites (scroll down for more info on this video): — Subscribe to my videos: — Website: — Superfoods — Blender » — Twitter: — Facebook: — Facebook Fan Page: — Google Plus: — Tumblr: — Pinterest — Instagram: — Gluten-Free Why some gluten-free foods on the market aren’t real food and how you can stay healthy. Learn more from a doctor & author.
This is a informative video on celiac disease and gluten free foods through my eyes. I am going to start doing gluten free cooking videos as well. I hope this helps anyone struggling with celiac disease, it’s a very hard disease to come to terms with when your first diagnosed and it’s even harder if Dr. Scot Lewey, the food doc. Are you looking for tasty gluten free food for your kids? Macaroni and Cheese that is gluten free and tastes good? To quote his kids “it’s awesome”
For details, visit This delicious gluten free recipe only takes 30 minutes to cook. It is amazingly easy to prepare, and tastes great. Add this to your repertoire of gluten free cooking so that you can enjoy gluten free foods any time!
Shopping for gluten-free foods? This health video from provides tips on where to go, what to look for and how to make sure that a food is definitely gluten-free. Shop for Whole Foods on a Gluten-Free Diet Now the good news is that all grocery stores carry gluten-free food, and it’s merely the selection
Nutritionist Emma Buckley talks to Harry Smith about Celiac disease and the array of gluten-free foods for good health.
John Harun Mwau facebook-Gluten-Free Cooking for Kids The purpose of this Mini Guide is to give you the most updated professional information on the subject , within 5 minutes of reading . Cooking for children on gluten-free diets requires special planning and care to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need to Gluten-Free Food Reimbursement process for those with a medical diagnosis and or prescription for gluten-free food. If you have a flexible spending account and want to get paid back for the cost difference in gluten free foods this video is for you. Do you just want a deduction for tax purposes? Share this in