If you suffer from Celiacs disease or can’t eat wheat for whatever reason, you are going to love this bread. It smells just like white bread and has a texture similar to an English muffin. It’s a nice change from the store bought rice bread. I love to eat it toasted with peanut butter.
Tags: Bread, English Muffin, Free, Gluten, Gluten Free, HowTo, Love, Peanut Butter, Reason, Rice Bread, Texture, Wheat, Wheat Bread, Wheat Free Bread, White Bread
Sounds like a good learning video for gluten free diet options. Please subscibe to my channel? for more links to this subject.
Can? egg subsitute be used?
“Breaking the Vicious Cycle” you say? I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!?
I need to check onthat, it has been a while since I read something about SCD. But if my memory is fine, according to Breaking the vicious cycle? book, buckwheat is also not allowed.
What about using Buckwheat flour instead? Buckwheat is not actually a grain and it helps regulate blood sugar levels rather? than making them spike?
The recipe seems easy enough. I only have one problem with it. She never specifies what GF baking mix she uses. Not? all of them are made the same and the flavor of the bread will vary greatly depending on the flours that are used in the mix. I suspect the reason her bread tastes as good as she claim is because of the mix she uses. I wonder what it may be?
looking good, bet? it tastes good also 🙂 gluten? free rules
This is still not SCD legal. You can’t have any kind of strach? if you want to be on SCD diet.
Thanks…I’ll? check that out 🙂
There’s an awesome Gluten Free Bread at Simply sugar and? gluten free.com It’s not made from this kind of stuff but a lot of other ingredients. It tastes pretty similar to regular bread with a honey wheat taste. 🙂
Just because is gluten free doesn’t mean you can’t bake a nice bread.My cakes taste just like regular cakes. I am not sure if that bread taste good just by they way she baked. You are supposed to do the yeast part first then add the dry indredients and if is a bread batter is not supposed to be sticky you should be able to knead it the batter and you need salt.?
That is a tough one for sure 🙁 The only recipe i have for that type of cake is like the royal biscuit cake I have posted. It’s basically a big truffle and definitely not like a real cake. I will ask around and? see if anyone I know may have a recipe for you 🙂
Take care!
Candra 🙂
Do you have any gluten free cake recipes? I love to bake for my family but I can’t eat it, due to a gluten intolerance. I would love to be able to make gluten free cakes that my family can’t tell the difference. So? far, no luck.
My friend just made a post on something she saw online about a potential cure for? gluten intolerance (NOT the vaccine!) and celiacs it seems to work for just about everyone with gluten issues. I don’t know about its ‘true’ validity, however I’d say it’s worth at least looking into. Leave your comments! She’d like to hear of your thoughts at
>> wp.me (slash) p1244N-6k
and there’s even a YouTube video. Let us know what you? think.
No, it doesn’t come fluffy like regular bread, but it is pretty soft…reminds me of an english muffin. I’m not sure it’s possible to make a wheat/gluten free? bread that has the same texture as regular bread. It’s the gluten that gives regular bread it’s beautiful soft texture.
Hope this helps! If you find a gluten/wheat free bread recipe that makes a bread comparible to regular bread, I hope you will share it withy me 🙂 Thanks for writing and Take care 🙂 Candra
does it come soft, fluffy like normal bread? my previous trials were? all hard and gummy,…. looking for soft flexible, loafs without any commercial G.F mix baking flour.
This bread definitely? takes some getting used to, especially inn comparison to regular bread. You could add more salt or even other seasonings to enhance the flavour. It would depend on what your little one is able to eat. I know people who put garlic and other seasonings in it and also some grated cheese.
I’m glad your loaf looked good and smelled good…with a little tweaking to get the flavour you want, you will have a beautiful bread, that your little one will enjoy 🙂
I made this? bread last night. It looks like a beautiful loaf, and nice shape and texture, but tasted horrible. It’s in desperate need of some salt! I’ll try it again today with a teaspoon of salt.
I just made this recipe and the loaf is cooling right now. Looks decent, but still have to taste it! Thanks for the video! I? needed help learning to bake a loaf of wheat free bread in the oven for my 18 month old that can’t have wheat. I used quinoa and rice flour with about 1/4 cup of almond flour. I hope he likes it! It DOES smell good! = )
Awesome!! Thanks for? the great tips 🙂
@YesWeTan you can buy a coffee grinder at amazon and make your own flours.my flours come out fine texture when? using the coffee grinder at the recommend amount…i always grind at low setting and after at higher setting.i saw that gluten free flours are so expensize so i recently decided to just buy the coffee grinder like the other vegan people….
Awesome!!! That? is good to know. Thanks for watching and thanks so much for the great tip 🙂
Go to Asian? grocer, they have rice flour in bulk.