

How To Be Gluten Free; Hidden Gluten, What has Gluten In it? Nutrition & Wellness

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How To Be Gluten Free; Hidden Gluten, What has Gluten In it? Nutrition & Wellness Dr. Sherrie Kjar goes over what has gluten in it and what doesn’t. What has hidden gluten in it? What are some substitute foods that are gluten free? How can you tell if something has gluten in it or not?

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Autism in Children, Alternative Approaches & Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

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Autism in Children, Alternative Approaches & Gluten Intolerance Symptoms Dr. Sherrie Kjar has first hand experience with autism as her son was diagnosed with it. Here Sherrie describes what the symptoms of autism are and explains why one of the factors in Autism might be food allergies or food sensitivities such as gluten intolerance. There

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