
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The IBS Low-Starch Diet

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Medically proven, this low starch, gluten-free diet can relieve symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), ankylosing spondylitis & Arthritis. Visit

Chronic Illness is Mostly Lyme Disease, Long Video but Hear Me Out !

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Lyme disease is the only known Pathogen to man that can actually be tested for Seriologically in Chronic Neurological / Psychologicial Illness. Every other Illness can NOT be tested for, yet is Given a Medical Name. Check out the List Below. See what you or a Loved one have, then Get yourself Checked for Lyme

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Dad’s Organic Market – Celiac And Gluten-Free Food Products

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Celiac disease people can suffer greatly from eating gluten which is common in anything containing grain. Headaches, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, joint pains, muscle loss, the pains go on! Symptoms vary and some sufferers mistake the disease for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), malnutrition, continual bad gas.

“Digestive Wellness: The Brain-Gut Connection” with Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN

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Digestive imbalances and mental health go hand in hand. This class will focus on the gut-brain connection. If we balance digestive function, often depression, fatigue, arthritis, eczema, migraines, ADD, and auto-immune illness also come into balance. We will focus on celiac and gluten intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, probiotics, and healing foods. Dr.Liz Lipski is the

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Sue Shepherd The Gluten-Free Kitchen

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Written for people with a range of dietary conditions, including dairy, gluten and lactose intolerance, coeliac disease, fructose malabsorption and irritable bowel syndrome, The Gluten-free Kitchen invites us all to enjoy with confidence the pleasures of a good food life. Available 31 August 2009 from Penguin Books Australia. For more info on this title go

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What is Gluten Allergy and Celiac Disease?

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April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness month. One of the conditions associated in some people with IBS is Gluten allergy. It is a highly under-diagnosed condition, therefore worth spreading public awareness about it. Gluten is a Protein, which can be found in Wheat, Barley, and Rye. The disease associated with gluten intolerance or allergy is

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